don’t do it alone



We have classes in Kimbal and Annandale, Our Instructors not only have the instructor experience but real personal wieght loss experience.

Virtual Workouts

Today’s Workout. HIIT your day off right with this burst of calorie-burning interval training. Boost your heart rate by putting your strength and agility to the test.

personal trainers

 We custom design your workout plan based on your individual goals to meet all your ultimate weight loss and strength goals.


Come see how we have helps 100’s of people shed 1,000’s of pounds using our proven method of wieght loss.

(see all the REAL testimonials)


Classes For All Fitness Levels

The Body Strength Training Shed offers a wide variety of Cardio, Weights, Classes, Personal Training, Massage, and the 6 Week Shred Program which includes Metabolic Testing.


* HIIT the Step

* Barbells for badasses

* Build an Ass

contact: Tana


Online Classes

 Our online virtual workout classes are being held thru facebook events, please follow us on facebook to find a complete schedule of events.

Personal Trainers

Our goal as your personal trainer is to stand beside you, listen and train you far beyond a workout. Tana and I dig deep to guide you to success in all aspects of your life. Getting healthy is about educating you on nutrition, mind health and every gift your body has given you.

We build your confidence, your body and your mind!

We won’t stop until we reach the goals you are striving for and then we help you create more!


Out of all The body provides, my 6 Week Shred Program is what I am most proud of!!
3 years ago I hired a coach to begin my training to become a bodybuilder. To my surprise this elite training all began in the kitchen.  Over the next 6 months my bodies transformation to lose 30lbs of fat and gain lean muscle mass was 90% nutrition and 10% gym time.  This process was a huge eye opener for me and it was time to share this process with all of you!!
Over the past 3 years I have taken hundreds of people thru their weight loss journeys by educating them on food first and exercise next.  Now I have Tana Crowell coaching along side me so we are able to help even more!
Changing habits to create a new lifestyle is extremely difficult and it’s tough to succeed on your own without a plan.  We hold you accountable. We won’t let you down! Once you hire us, we are all yours.  One on one for 6 straight weeks!

$360 6 Week Shred Program Price includes:

• FREE GYM MEMBERSHIP at both locations for 6 weeks if you’re a new member!!
• Metabolic Test
• 6 one on one personal training sessions ($350 value)
• Macro and Calorie Nutrition Plan
• Workout Plan for Weight Training
• Grocery List/Food Plan and Food Prep Plan
• Body Comp (Skin fold Fat testing)
• 6 weeks of personalized coaching based on your individual body and lifestyle.

Food prep 101


🥬🥦FOOD PREP 101🥦🥬
Learn some basics of what I have done to lose 30 lbs plus using OUR program🥰
a very informal event, you’ll be able to sample & take one meal home (please bring a small to go type container)
Plus it will be a great time to look at portions & ask all kinds of questions!
contact Tana
Always something new


Our customers become part of our family, our community that’s why we  take great pride in challenging all levels of fitness, age and health. We have created a community that communicates through our public and private facebook pages With daily and monthly challenges. Join us for one of our classes we garuntee you’ll feel right at home.


Classes starting everyday


Personal Training

Our personal trainer walk the walk and talk the talk, we only have the most dedicated trainers in the industry. We want to make sure you just don’t lift weights or run on a tread mill we are here to help educate you in a complete life style change.

Weight Loss

Donita knaus has developed, redefined and reimagined the traditional weight loss program. The 6 week shredder program will show you the results and mostly educate you on a complete life style change thru healthy eating, exercise and understanding how food reacts to conquer your personal goals. 


The Body shed is no stranger to strength training. If your looking for the best in training you have come to the right place. Donita Knaus holds the IPE’S PRO Worlds Natural Bodybuilding Championship Title for 2020.  The Shed and the Studio are fully equipped with all the latest and greatest technology the fitness world has to offer.




We offer the best in cardio equipment in the area. Fully loaded treadmills, ellipticals, and incumbent bikes.  We also provide less traditional cardio pieces such as, The Frog, The Tank and Jacobs Ladder.


With all the stress of the last several months, I realized that I needed something for me and doing the Shred was it. It brought a focus that I needed-Whether it was planning my workouts for the week or meal planning. And who knew I could run a 5k and actually decide on my own to do it again and again! 

Jamie Simonsen

After months of scrolling through “The Body Shed” Facebook page and admiring Donita and all the 6-
week shredders and their success stories, I decided to call Donita. My heart was bounding, my palms
were sweating, and I was scared to call her. I am not going to lie, just looking at her intimidated me. I
was ready take charge of my life. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, I started to worry about
medical conditions my grandparents and parents suffered from and realized I wanted to be around for
my children and grandchildren.
March 2019, I started my first 6-week shred program with Donita. After 6 weeks I lost weight but gained
confidence and realized this journey was just starting. Donita taught me about lifting, nutrient and
macros. When I look in the mirror, I still cannot believe my transformation. There is no magic pill, it
takes commitment, dedication, self-discipline, and for me support from my amazing coach Donita and
team at “The Shed’.
Still after 2 years I train weekly with Donita, she is my weekly accountability, and keeps me on track.
After watching Donita go through her own life journey/goals she showed me no goal is ever to big and
this journey is just getting started. I know I have to put in the hard work, and it will not be easy, there
will be days I want to give up, but I have come too far, and will not give up.
Thank you Donita, Tana, and “The Body Shed” for giving me a place to make this happen.
Mari Hiemstra

Mari Heimstra

No more excuses!  I was well aware that I needed to make healthier food and exercise choices. I’ve been “trying” to lose the extra baby weight I gained after each of my three children.  My baby is now six.  For years, my excuse has been, “How can I train when I’m so busy with my kids?” and “I’m exhausted.” After seeing the success some of my friends have had in the 6 Week Shred program with Tana, I knew this was my opportunity to get some assistance with my goals AND I was determined to include my kids in the process.  During my first session I was doing leg raises and couldn’t make it through a whole set.  I said, “I blame this on my children.”  To which Tana responded, “Or maybe your food choices.”  🤦‍♀️😳 Wake up call.  Needless to say, Tana pushed me and helped me in more ways than I could have imagined.  I am beyond grateful that she encouraged me to stop making excuses and start making changes.  Thank you Tana for putting up with me and including my kids in the journey! 😉❤

Sarah Happe



Never give up!